United Church of Canada; Vermilion, Kitscoty, and Mannville Alberta
Welcome to Wesley United Church in Kitscoty Alberta.
During the railway building period of 1904, John Harley, a Presbyterian student held occasional services at the Currie and Higginson's store in Kitscoty.
Rev. A. R. Aldridge continued these services in this same store until our first church was built in 1907.
Both Presbyterian and Methodist students and ministers served the church in the early years.
After the church union in 1925, the first minister stationed here by the newly formed United Church was Rev. George Steele.
In 1957 the pastoral Charge of Kitscoty-Islay and Marwayne Dewberry joined together to form Kitscoty Pastoral Charge.
The name Wesley was added to Kitscoty Church in 1963.
Rev. Robert K. Aldrich served us for 21 years from 1994 until his retirement in 2015.
During his pastorate, the current church was built in 2005-2006.
Marwayne United Church left the Kitscoty Pastoral Charge on July, 2019 unable to afford a full time minister.
We are happy to amalgamate Kitscoty with Vermilion and Mannville United Churches, effective May 1,2020 as the Vermilion River Pastoral Charge.
SUNDAY SERVICE TIME: 9:30 am every Sunday.
For more information regarding services in Kitscoty call the church office at 780- 846-2538.
Email the church secretary for the pastoral charge at vermilionriverpc@yahoo.com
Minister Reverend Carolyn Woodall: minister.vermilionriverpc@gmail.com and phone number: 780 385 5124
Our church and lower hall are available for rent. For bookings call our church office at 780-846-2538 and leave a message. Our church secretary will get back to you , as she is not in the office daily.